• Miami, FL
  • info@moderntrials.com
  • (833) 5-TRIALS

EHR-based Trial Candidate Identification
Allows clinical trial managers to identify pre-screened patients who live close to study sites

Detailed Medical History
Trial managers can view detailed medical history of each candidate before deciding whether to contract for Modern Trials services

Patient Outreach & Screening
Trained research nurses reach out to selected candidates to present the trial opportunity, assess interest, live screen and obtain HIPAA Authorization and Consent

Representative Samples
Culturally aligned patient engagement and proprietary algorithms increase participation in traditionally underrepresented groups and study sample representativeness

Warm Handoffs
Warm handoffs are used to bring interested and qualified candidates to you for in-person screening and enrollment

Ongoing Support
Modern Trials Enrollment Specialists provide ongoing support to patients through trial participation to increase compliance and completion rates
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